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The Best Fire Inspection Software Starts with Good Data

With intuitive checklists, more capabilities in the field, and less paperwork, fire inspection software helps inspectors do their jobs better and faster than ever before. But there’s one thing that separates okay inspection software and the best inspection software: good data.


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Citizen Experience Management for Satisfied Communities

A recent executive order from the Biden administration directs agencies to modernize their programs and improve customer experience management, aka citizen experience management. This includes things like reducing the “time tax” citizens face when seeking out services, and adopting new online tools...


How 3Di's Fire Inspection Software Makes a Fire Marshal's Jobs Easier

As a Community Risk Reduction program advances and grows, having the right software in place becomes increasingly important to keep everything running smoothly. From vegetation and fuel management to home hardening, defensible space assessments, annual inspections, community engagement, and more,...


5 Ways a Virtual City Hall Makes Local Government More Efficient

A virtual city hall (VCH) is an online platform that allows government officials and citizens to communicate with each other, facilitating community engagement. This type of platform can be used for a variety of purposes, including providing information about city services, answering questions from...


Why You Need a Centralized Rental Registry System

Whether you’re managing evictions, inspections, or affordable housing programs, you have a lot of moving parts to deal with — and plenty of stakeholders involved. Couple that with missing information, disparate systems, and poorly organized databases, and things get complicated quickly