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Creating Online Resources to Prevent Homelessness

Rajiv Desai | July 13, 2023

3 Minute Read

Homelessness remains a pervasive issue: a growing crisis that demands urgent attention and innovative solutions. Housing agencies are acutely aware of the severity of this problem, the human lives it impacts, and the ripples it sends through communities.

Yet, in the face of this crisis, the typical means of prevention seem insufficient. The resources to prevent homelessness are scarce and often disconnected, leaving many of those most vulnerable slipping through the cracks.

Now, imagine a scenario where the power of technology is harnessed, where online resources form a robust network of support, and the process of finding aid is no longer a labyrinth but a clear, navigable path.

These resources, easily accessible and efficiently managed, could become a beacon of hope for individuals at risk of homelessness. They could educate, empower, and aid those in need, effectively bridging the gap between the risk of homelessness and the provision of necessary assistance.

Of course, your ability to provide impactful resources also depends partly on the backbone of technology you have at your disposal. Let’s touch on the types of resources you might consider offering, as well as the software systems that make them most effective.

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Types of Online Resources

Online resources can play a crucial role in preventing homelessness, offering a wealth of information, tools, platforms, and systems that cater to individuals at risk. Here are the primary types of online resources that can aid in this cause:

Educational Resources

These resources offer comprehensive information on homelessness and the range of services accessible to those at risk. They encompass educational materials on affordable housing and employment services, directories of local services providing housing, medical, and other forms of assistance such as guides that help navigate the process of seeking help.

Interactive Assistance Tools

These resources allow users to interactively engage with the material and services. These can include dynamic tools for finding suitable housing, digital platforms for applying for financial or other forms of assistance, and online educational resources that inform users about their rights as tenants and ways to seek legal recourse if necessary.

Communication Platforms

These platforms enable direct and prompt communication between those at risk of homelessness and service providers. They can include AI-driven chatbots capable of answering common queries and directing users to relevant services, forums for community discussions and advice, and secure direct messaging systems for confidential communication with service providers.

Utilizing these online resources can empower individuals at risk of homelessness with knowledge, provide them with actionable tools, and facilitate their communication with service providers, all while supporting data-driven strategies to tackle homelessness.

What Technology Will You Need to Maximize the Impact of These Resources?

Now that we've established the importance of online resources in preventing homelessness and answered some common questions, let's delve deeper into specific solutions. They each serve a unique purpose and, when used together, create a comprehensive approach to tackling homelessness intelligently. Let's explore each of these solutions in more detail.

Public Web & Mobile Portal

An accessible, user-friendly public portal (for web and mobile) is the centerpiece of all online resources. It provides citizens with 24/7 access to resources and services, making it easier for them to find the help they need when they need it.

From basic housing information access to filling out applications or getting questions answered, an online portal is an invaluable resource. Increasingly, governments across the US are turning to a Virtual City Hall for this.

Online portals can include information on available housing, resources for financial assistance, and educational materials on tenant rights and responsibilities. The key is to design the portal for ease of use, efficiency, and security, ensuring that users can quickly find the information they need without having to navigate through complex menus or deal with slow load times.

However, in order to have a helpful portal, you need good backend systems and databases.

Data Management and Analysis Tools

These are sophisticated systems that assist housing departments and service providers in managing, tracking, and analyzing data related to homelessness. They may encompass databases that maintain an inventory of available housing, systems that monitor eviction rates and patterns, and analytical tools that study trends in homelessness to inform policymaking and improve service delivery.

Robust Collaboration Tools

Implementing and managing online resources requires a coordinated approach. This involves bringing together various stakeholders (from your housing department to service providers and community members) to develop and maintain these resources. Whichever solution you use should allow various government departments to easily share information, automate workflows, and avoid bottlenecks from cobbled systems and processes.

Eviction Management Software

If a tenant is facing eviction and turning to your online portal, you’ll need a strong eviction management process in place to manage the cases submitted by people facing eviction. Eviction management is a key aspect of preventing homelessness: by improving visibility of evictions, housing departments can ensure just cause and implement proactive policies to prevent unnecessary evictions. This can include providing resources for tenants facing eviction, mediating disputes between landlords and tenants, and providing financial assistance to those at risk of eviction.

For cities and housing authorities planning to update rental ordinances, use sites like Rent Ordinances to see what other cities are doing around the country.

Solutions like these will help improve your ability to prevent homelessness. By implementing them, housing departments can make key resources more accessible and more effective to those facing potential homelessness. This allows housing leaders to more effectively serve their communities, ensuring that all residents have access to safe, affordable housing.

Want to learn more about how to effectively support your tenant protection programs? Download our free guide.

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