3Di Insights

Should You Upgrade Your Government ERP System?

Written by 3Di Systems | Jul 6, 2023 3:39:00 PM

ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning systems, are comprehensive software platforms that integrate various functions of an organization into a unified system. For government agencies, ERP systems can manage a wide range of operations such as finance, human resources, procurement, project management, and more.

However, the software world moves fast, and local governments are increasingly realizing that their legacy ERP systems aren’t as suited to today's faster-paced and data-heavy work environments. If you’re working with cobbled legacy systems that cause some of the issues below, it might be time to upgrade.

Disadvantages of Legacy Government ERP Systems

If your system is outdated, you’ve probably noticed frustrations around issues like these:

  • Data Silos and Inaccuracies: Legacy systems often operate in silos, which can lead to inconsistencies and inaccuracies in data. This can impact decision-making and reporting accuracy.
  • Speed of Operations: Older ERP systems may not be optimized for speed and can slow down operations. This isn’t just about load times, but the extra hassle it takes to make adjustments when handling non-standard workflows. Older systems may also lack the ability to handle real-time data processing, which will only get worse as the world becomes more data focused,
  • Opaque Processes and Uninformed Citizens: Legacy systems may not have the capabilities to provide real-time updates or easy access to information, which can often lead to frustrated communities, such as during infrastructure projects. Modern ERP systems often include features like self-service portals and real-time notifications, which can significantly improve communication and transparency.
  • Integration Issues: Outdated systems may not integrate well with new technologies, making it difficult to implement new tools or software.
  • Maintenance and Support: As these systems age, it can become increasingly difficult and costly to maintain them and find support when issues arise. It also becomes more difficult to add new features without costly system updates, so they’re not “future-proof.”

Transforming Legacy ERP Systems with 3Di Engage

Legacy systems lead to inefficient processes and cobbled solutions, slowing down entire agencies. If it feels like time to break free from the limitations of these old systems, consider turning to a modern and efficient platform solution designed for complex use cases.

The 3Di Engage platform unifies disparate government software systems into one cohesive, user-friendly interface. It serves as a central hub for managing information and processes with ease, speeding up operations, and enhancing service delivery. With 3Di Engage, agencies can navigate the complexities of modern governance with confidence.

So how does 3Di Engage help address the issues of legacy ERP?

Faster, Simpler Operations

3Di Engage is designed to enhance the speed of operations in your organization. It achieves this through several key features:

  • Business Process Mapping: This feature allows you to model both simple and complex adaptive business processes, providing improved visibility and understanding of your workflows.
  • Adaptive Workflow Management: Streamline and automate your case management processes, even if they are complex and nonlinear. This ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.
  • Assignment Tools: Manage your team's schedules effectively with tools for assigning dates and times, communicating with customers and other stakeholders, and rescheduling when necessary.
  • Digital Signature Capability: This feature allows you to obtain signatures from customers and/or other stakeholders on your device in person, eliminating the need for paper-based processes.

Making Citizen Communication Transparent and Accessible

We aim to help you improve communication with citizens, humanizing your government and providing a greater sense of transparency in every interaction:

  • Mobile & Web Portal: An easy-to-use portal allows citizens to make requests, access information, and receive notifications. This empowers citizens to engage with your agency on their terms.
  • Integrated Citizen Relationship Management (CRM): This feature provides full contact information, campaign management, and simplified communications, making it easier to manage and maintain relationships with citizens, accessing historical info as needed.
  • Accessibility: 3Di Engage offers multilingual support and ADA compliance, ensuring that all citizens can access and use the system effectively.
  • Payment Processing: Customers can easily pay fees and fines through a variety of channels, regardless of pricing complexity. These payment setups simplify the payment management process and improve the citizen experience.

No More Integration Issues

3Di Engage is designed to adapt to your existing systems, not the other way around. It can integrate with just about any system you're currently using, from accounting to work order management. Furthermore, custom integrations can be built as needed to ensure that all your systems work seamlessly together.

Accurate, Synchronized Data Everywhere

With 3Di Engage you no longer need to worry about tracking down the most up-to-date data, or manually sharing files across teams or departments. 3Di Engage addresses data challenges with a single, central database.

By having all your data in a single place on 3Di Engage, everything is organized and easily accessible. This eliminates the need to request the same information more than once and ensures that tasks like permit requests don’t fall through the cracks. 

Since it connects to your other systems, you get 2-way synchronization, so all your data can be consolidated, eliminating the risk of data inconsistencies and inaccuracies.

Ongoing Maintenance and Support

We want you to be able to focus on your core operations without worrying about system upkeep. That’s why when you upgrade to 3Di Engage, our dedicated support team is always ready to help.

With "Genie Hours" included in your subscription, you can get training for a new employee, get assistance with a task, create a new report, or almost anything else you might need. This ensures that you always have the support you need to make the most of 3Di Engage.

If you're ready to leave the limitations of your legacy system behind, consider booking a demo of 3Di Engage. Experience firsthand how our platform can streamline your operations and enhance your service delivery.